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The  Families Helping Families Thanksgiving Food Drive strives to provide full and delicious holiday feasts  to local families in need. Our vision is that every family be given the opportunity to create positive lasting Thanksgiving memories regardless of their financial situation.

The Families Helping Families Thanksgiving Food Drive

Strives to provide full and delicious holiday feasts to local families in need.


Our vision is that every family be given the opportunity to create positive lasting Thanksgiving memories regardless of their financial situation.


We are a unique grass roots project. We have no affiliation with government programs or other organizations and are driven 100% on donations and volunteers.


We are committed to giving local children / families in need something to be thankful for during the holiday season. We believe in the impact that the smell of a roasted turkey and a tummy full of potatoes has on a child. It is a feeling of satisfaction.  Enjoying a feast surrounded by loved ones creates a holiday environment of gratitude and joy.


Help us ensure we meet the request for meals and fill bellies and memories with a delicious and happy Thanksgiving dinner. donate and volunteer today.

Countless Volunteers!

From gathering donations to rounding up helpers and making deliveries, you are the strongest, most amazing volunteers we could ever ask for! Your dedication, perseverance, heart and passion never cease to amaze me and I am forever grateful. The countless hours you put in to help us organize and run the Thanksgiving Food Drive was an incredibly generous gift to this community. The positive feedback we've received from those touched is heartwarming and overwhelming. And none would be possible without you! The grand success of this event is due entirely to you and your efforts. Thank you for the hours of listening to me and being on my team through thick and thin. Each and every one of you has touched my heart and impacted my family’s life in a special way, and I will never be able to thank you enough for everything. Our amazing group of volunteer’s is one big loving family supporting one big community, and I am so blessed to be a part of it.

All of my love,



Downtown Bellevue Safeway!

I  would like to express my utmost gratitude to the downtown Bellevue Safeway for its invaluable assistance in Count Your Blessings One by One’s third Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive.  This year, hundreds of high school students, Link leaders, community leaders, King 5 and Komo 4 news crew, volunteers and friends helped us to raise thousands of dollars in food donations and gift card purchases.  Thanks to your kind provision of a location for the drive, we were able to give Thanksgiving baskets to families with children all over the Eastside.  We are extremely pleased to announce that, in the years that the Thanksgiving Food Drive has been held at Safeway, Count Your Blessings One By One has put together over 3,000 baskets for those in need. 


As I count my own blessings one by one in the year to come, I will continually look back with gratitude for your store’s generous service to Count Your Blessings One by One.  When I first asked for your assistance five years ago, I was a complete stranger to the store and management team but had a dream I was and still am  little grass roots project with no formal affiliation to a non-profit organization.  Your simple “yes” has allowed me to realize my vision to provide basic Thanksgiving meals for East side families, and for that, I am indebted to you. 

Thank you for your time and commitment, and happy holidays to you and your families.

-Sharon Kneip

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